
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Media Literacy

Watch the above commercials. Keep in mind that both were shown during yesterdays Superbowl. Why do you think the companies decided to air their commercials during the Superbowl? What do both of these advertisements achieve? (Post your responses)


Katie said...

Soo cute! I have always loved the Budweiser commercials because they normally feature the beautiful Clydesdales. I have been to the Bubweiser Beer place in Fort Collins, Colorado and I have seen some of the Cyldesdales. They weren't the ones used in the commercials, though. They were quite big and super pretty.

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

Hi Katherine,
This commercial sure does tug at your heartstrings.
I have seen the clydesdales at the Carlsberg Brewery in Copenhagen. They are beautiful horses.

Unknown said...

Watch the above commercials. Keep in mind that both were shown during yesterdays Superbowl. Why do you think the companies decided to air their commercials during the Superbowl?
I think that these companies decided to air their commercials during the Superbowl because there were a lot of people watching the Superbowl, and if you air a commercial during the Superbowl, lot of people (around 111.5 million) will see it.
What do both of these advertisements achieve? (Post your responses)
Both companies want you to associate positive feelings to their company or product. Both of these commercials are nice and happy, making you feel that way. They use distinctive symbols and trademarks of their companies, for instance, the clydesdale represents “Anheuser Busch” the maker of Budweiser beer, so every time you see a clydesdale, it reminds you of Budweiser beer. Also, you think of the people’s product with a positive note, so you are more likely to buy one of their products.

My own experience: I used to go to Busch Gardens in Virginia all the time, and have seen and petted and had my picture taken with some of the actual clydesdales used in Budweiser commercials. Since my family and I went there all the time, I saw them a lot, I have gotten used to them, but I agree that they are nice. The first time I saw them, I was in grade 1, so they looked HUGE!!!


Hi I'm Ronan said...

Why does every Budweiser commercial I watch have nothing to do with the product?? well in least they make you feel good! I saw the Budweiser commercial a couple of weeks ago and i loved it!

Well i think these companies aired their commercials during the super bowl because their are a lot of people watching the Superbowl and those millions of people would see those commercials too.

I think both of these companies wants you to feel positive when watching these commercials and hoping that you will buy their product. In both of the commercials they show happy and nice feelings. They use happy feelings to make you want to buy their products, even though sometimes they don't relate in a obvious way.


TheBloggingWorker+ said...

I think that both of these companies achieved to advertise to a lot of people (since the 'Super Bowl' is a very popular place to go to) and how they got that was because they added some cute things (Budweiser) and the other one (Microsoft) had something to do with helping people with technology and stuff like that.
With these advertising techniques, they could probably sell a lot of products.

Katie said...

I am not a football fan and I watch the Super Bowl every year. The Super Bowl calls people to sit on their couch and stare at the TV and watch the game, for football fans and non-football fans. A lot of people watch it. Companies think, "Well, if so many people are watching TV, why not make some great commercials to entice them to buy our product!" Companies know that lots of people are watching, so it is a great opportunity for them to try and get some business.
The first Budweiser commercial makes you go, "Ah!" and "So cute" etc, etc. Budweiser has always made some great and cute commercials with their horses. When people think about their horses, they think, "ooh, how about I get some of THEIR beer?" or "hey look, some Budweiser beer. You know, that company makes some great commercials." The customers who have watched the commercials get a good impression of the company, wanting to buy their product.
The second commercial for Microsoft is saying, “Hey, look at all the wonderful things technology has done for the world. We are a technology company. Want to buy some of our products?” In the video, you saw some pretty amazing pieces of technology, like the prosthetic hand the man had (he was able to move it and stuff-that’s very amazing!) or the visual x-ray that the doctor could control by their hand movements.
Both advertisements want you to get a good impression of their company and of their products. They want to make their product look better than their competitors. When ever you see another commercial or see their product in a store or in a flyer, they want you to be familiar and think positively about their products.

Unknown said...

I think that the companies decided to air their comercials during the superbowl, is because even though some people don't like watching football, they even watch the superbowl, so my point is, that a lot of people watch the superbowl, so a lot of people will be watching their commercials, so more people will buy their product. These advertisments achieve way more people than usual, watching their commercial, and if they decided to put that certain one on for the superbowl, then it must be really good. My point is, that their choosing their best commercials, and then more than 1 million people are gonna watch it, so they will get a lot more products sold than usual (probably).

Amanda said...

Watch the above commercials. Keep in mind that both were shown during yesterdays Superbowl. Why do you think the companies decided to air their commercials during the Superbowl?

I think the companies decided to air their commercials during the Superbowl because A LOT of people watch it. Including me, and I don't even know how to play football! The Superbowl gathers millions of people across the globe to their to T.V sets, what’s a more perfect opportunity to introduce your product?

What do both of these advertisements achieve?

Both of the advertisements inspire you and make you want to buy their products, but in different ways. The first one (Budweiser) made you want to buy the product because of the cute animals and the cute story line, which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the product they were trying to sell, but it definitely got people's attention! The second one shows you all of the amazing things technology has accomplished and it makes you think "Wow, we can do that!?" and it inspires you a bit and makes you want to buy the product because of all the wonderful things technology has done and can do.

(PS Sorry for the late postings, I posted my response earlier and it didn't show up. Perhaps something glitched or I forgot to hit publish. Whatever the reason, it's published now!)

~ Amanda

Unknown said...

Well at the superbowl there will be millions of people watching so why not air their comercial there?
Both of the companies have a commercial that makes you feel good and happy! Also those commercials get stuck to your mind and you are most likely to remember it because they have a positive attitude. So whenever you see something related to that commercial then you will remember that "Oh yeah! Those things were on that commercial!" Also with the Budweiser commercial, they have commercials that don't make any sense so they get you thinking about their commercials and how is that related with that.
When they use a positive attitude for the commercials, they want you to think that about their products. They want you to think that you might be more better and also maybe save someones life with the microsoft advertisement. They inspire you, cause strong feelings of affection or anything else.

Unknown said...

The 2 commercials are played during the Superbowl because millions flock to their T.V's to watch football.
These commercials play during this time because since their are so many people watching, that the companies ask themselves:
"Why the heck aren't we showing are products RIGHT NOW."
It will probably get them noticed far more, and that eventually leads to more of their products sold.

What these commercials achieve:

Commercial 1:
This commercial makes you feel warm inside. The commercial starts in a Puppy Adoption Center. It is really cute and fuzzy, and tries to make you feel happy. It just tacks the brand 'Budweiser' on the end. The ad makes you feel good, and since you see Budweiser, it makes you feel like Budweiser is good.

Commercial 2:
This commercial is very different in most aspects compared to the other ad. This commercial does, however, make itself look good. It shows itself giving people movement, hearing, and the ability to talk to people who couldn't do these things.It shows Microsoft doing these amazing things, and it, again, makes people think (oh..Microsoft is doing all these things for people with disabilities, I should help them buy buying their products."

Both of these games have the same overall motive. They make you feel like the brands are good, and that makes you want to but their products.