
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Superheating of water (Mythbusters)

List the different ways this experiment shows changes in matter.


Luc H said...

It shows how impurities in water effect it and how the pure water reacts to impurities. When distilled water gets superheated and then impurified it will explode and burn you. I think that many people could do this because they don't know the properties of waters and liquids.

Lindsay said...

It shows changing matter because it starts off as cool tap water the matter (the water) heats up so much that the sculding hot water will come splashing up out of the cup like a volcaneo. This shows how tap water will react to the heat.

Prof. sam said...

It shows changes in matter when: the water boiled and splashed, when the cube hit the surface and when the water was ptu in the cup

Luc PT-2 said...


The main change I see is the water that is impure getting boiled and turning into gas. when the other water was introduced to a impurity then the chage from water to gas was immediate and caused and explosion.

Lindsay said...

This is my second paragraph.

The main change is when the water gets boiled and explodes. It is the mixture of the heat matter and the water matter, when these are mixed it explodes.

Also prof sam said...

It explodes because the water puritys and inpuritys are heated and are caused to splash and go flying in the air and on to any uncovered body part. It can be "diffused" persay by putting a stir stick or a tea bag to stop it from exploding, and also a way to prevent that from happening is to heat it another way other that in a microwave oven. A cool experiment to do with the exploding water is boil the water and put the water in a bucket with a lid. drop the sugar cube in and cover the bucket with the lid and let it blow (it is a good way to prevent spills and messes in your experiment room or place) if you try it enjoy if not well not the same as try it

Kove said...

It shows change in matter when it is a liquid at first and when it gets overly boiled in a microwave and a suger cube drops in the water and it explodes, and it is a gas when it explodes.

Mitchell just said...

Exploding Water

It tells us about impurified water, and how if you overheat water, (super heat (distilled water) than it will be lethal and must be controlled. Having such water, you can impurify the water and it will explode. However, this rule does not aplly to tap water.

I think that this could occur quite often, not necessarily to the same person, but not necessarily do a different one, for it could happen to one person only, but not likely.

Bob Nye the Awesome Guy!!! (Kyle) said...

This experiment shows changing matter because the water began as an average cup of tap water, but the water heated up so much that the water came out of the cup like a bomb! I think there is a 1/1000 chance that this will happen in your home.

Lazy_Larry (Luke) said...

Exploding water
is this possible: yes
how: Tap water has certain purities so when you put it in the microwave it bowels. But when you put distilled water in, it doesn’t bowel. If it doesn’t bowel it’s heated beyond bowelling. When the water comes in contact it explodes. You can prevent this by also putting a glass of tap water. When the tap water is bowelling the distilled water will combust given a light impact.

luke said...

Lazy_Larry is my minecraft name

Olivia said...

It shows changes in matter because when the impure tap water was put into the microwave with the sugar cube, it changed into a hot gas a little bit. Where the distilled water had no change except for the fact that it was hot afterwards. Tap water reacts to the heat because it i impure. Thee distilled water is pure so nothing happened.

There wasn't many changes in the matter except for heat, and the explosion. Although they did turn into gas a little bit. And the Mythbusters people are right, exploding water is extremely dangerous. Depending on the heat of the water, it can cause severe injuries.

Bianca d. said...

Exploding Water
Myth Busters

It show that impure water can explode with a sugar cube in when it is superheated, but the distilled water had absolutey no change except that it became hotter. It shows how impure water and distilled water react to being over heated.

Also, it shows how when they put the sugar cube in the boiling water it turned into sort of a vapour or gas. This is how the hot impure water reacts to the sugar.


This video clearly shows changes in matter when they drop a sugar cube into the superheated distilled water. When the sugar is dropped in the superheated water, the water becomes "imperfect" so the water can boil. When the water boils extremely fast and seems to explode.