
Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Puff the Magic Dragon" Cover

Listen to this version of the song. What is the song about? Post your comments.


Unknown said...

This song is about a magic dragon named Puff and what happens during the song is Puff the magic dragon grows up and frocks near the sea a lot. Also, this is a very peaceful song.

Unknown said...

This song is a dragon and a child who played together then the boy went away and the dragon was sad, puff in a nutshell.

Kove said...

The song is about Puff the magic dragon, he lived by the sea, he liked to folic in the autumn mist, He lived with a friend, the 2 travelled in a boat, in a place called `Homalee`.

Lindsay said...

I learned that
1komodo dragons can smell a dead animal from km away

2komodo dragons have bacteria in their mouth wich makes the animal sick then the search it out a while later

3in five years a komodo dragon will grow from a small one to a giant one!

4when they want tyo komodo dragons can run faster than most humans

5the young komodo dragons will go up into the trees for years to protect themselves from other dragons\

its about a dragon who lived by the sea who frolicked in the autumn mist with his best friend a boy and dragons live forever but boys dont so one day he dided and puff didnt want to dance and slipped back into his cave.

Cat said...

This song is so sad D:! It's about a boy who plays with an imaginary dragon and they did a whole bunch of adventures but then the boy grows up and stops playing with the dragon and poor Puff gets lonely.

Olivia said...

The song is about Puff the magical dragon and a boy named Jackie Paper I think that's his name. It's about them frollicking and stuff. It's a nice song that I have liked for a long time. I think there's a movie about Puff the Magic dragon too but I don't remember.

mitchell said...

Its about Puff, a magical Dragon who lived in a special place called Honalee. He lives forever but eventually gets tired of playing. One day he slips while he is in his cave and he never plays again.

Abbileigh said...

This song is about Puff the magic dragon who lives by the sea, and one day he got tired and went in his cave to a place called homalee. I couldn't quite hear the words properly.

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

The song is about Puff the magic dragon who lives in a place called Honalee. He likes to 'Frolic in the autaum mist'. He can live forever and eventually grows tired of playing. He goes into a cave and never plays again.

Katherine Mann said...

This song is about a dragon named Puff. He is an imaginary magic dragon. After a while, his friend grew up and left him, so then Puff crawled back into his cave. I couldn't hear all of the words.

Cat said...

The Water Dragon 2012.10.12
The water dragon is one of the most beautiful dragons , or so I think. It is dark blue with turquoise spots, eyes and wing webbing. It also has two smaller fins/wings under it’s body near it’s tail. It also has a larger fin on it’s tail. It is believed that it smells like fish and seaweed. Probably from always swimming in the water. When it is born it is about the size of a Great Dane. When it is grown, it is about 2 times bigger than a blue whale! How cool is that!? It is cold blooded, just like a fish. The water dragon is too pretty for words.