"The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play."
– Olympic Charter
Google had the above quote on their search engine today. Why do you think they posted that quote and what do you think it means?
I think it means that no matter who you are and what you did, you still should have the right to practice sports(unless they are a criminal or someone very dangerous).
Warning, in the below section, their is political(sort of because it has some Russian law in it) stuff that some people might not want to read.
I think that this is mostly directed to Russia (which is hosting the Sochi 2014 Olympics) because the Russian government made the anti-gay law and stuff like that. The rainbow flag also stands for LGBT support (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender). Many LGBT activists have already been arrested in Sochi for the rainbow flag inside the olympics.
Fact: Rainbow flag represents gay support.
I think the quote means anyone has the right to play a sport and that anyone, even if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, can participate in the Olympics. The Google doodle in the post has the rainbow flag thing, which represents gay people. Russia (which the 2014 Winter Olympics are being held in) has passed an anti-gay law. Like TheBloggingWorker+ (sorry, I do not know who you are) said, it "is mostly directed to Russia" because of their law. Last year the anti-gay law was signed and it was made illegal to "spread gay 'propaganda' and host gay pride celebrations." Taken from http://goo.gl/AoH0Ac.
The Blogging Worker is me by the way Katherine
I think that they put that on their search engine, because it is really inspiring, and it sends a really good message, and google wants to have a very good reputation, so they put very inspiring, and nice things on their search engine. I think that the quote means, that if you are passionate about a sport, then don't let anyone who doesn't like it get in your way, because you are better then them, and they're probably just jealous of how good you are, and no matter what happens, keep doing it, because you love it.
"The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play."
– Olympic Charter
I think this means: I have the right to play a sport, without you people hating me. Also, that the sport requires fair play (Like no cheating.) and mutual understanding (For example: You can do this, for a reason and i'll respect that. Respecting another religion is another example.)
Another thing it says is 'spirit of friendship.' The whole point of the Olympics is to come together and 'play'. You might have rivalries between you and another player, but save that for later. The Olympics is a time of determination, fun and hard work. That's what I think it means.
I also think they posted it to encourage people to get into the spirit of the Olympics!
I think it means that if you do a sport, you have to play fair. Also anyone can play a sport in the olympics. But you need a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. I think google put this because they will get a good reputation for good and meaningful quotes and to spread this message around. Anyone can play in the olympics. Even if you are one of those LGBT activists.
Why do you think they (Google) posted this quote and what do you think it means?
"The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play."
– Olympic Charter
Almost everyday, Google posts a new theme on it’s homepage. Since the olympics have started they decided, what better time is there to do an olympic theme? So they created an olympic theme for their homepage and posted a quote to go along with it.
I think the quote means that every single person in the whole entire world has the right to play sports. That every person deserves to play sports without breaking a law or having someone to get angry at them for doing it. They deserve friendship, solidarity and fair play. That they too, are just people who want to do what they love, and they should be able to do it.
Google could have posted this quote because it goes well with the olympic theme they put on their homepage. It could also be because they found it inspiring and decided they wanted others to see it. Or it could be because they were payed to do it. Or, lastly, it could be because they want people to stop and spend time on their homepage to read and become inspired by the quote.
~ Amanda
As Katherine and David (TheBloggingWorker+) said, I think that the quote means that everyone has the right to participate in sports and the Olympics. It shouldn't matter if they are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Trans-gender, they are all people. Just because they are different in belief or who they love (or how they look), they should not be excluded from these events.
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