
Monday, October 3, 2011

Batman The Dark Knight - LIVE Performance

Watch the above video. What instruments did you notice in the performance?
What feelings did the music evoke?


Kyle said...

Some of the instruments were a drum, keyboards, tubas, and trumpets. The music evoked a scarey and mysterios theme.

tatertoter said...

Some of the instruments were Guitar, Tuba, Saxaphone, Drums, Keyboard. I think the song had a weird myserterious feel.

sam said...

the instruments were the frencch horn the drums the keyboard the music invoked feelings that were dark city like

Kove said...

The instruments included drum, keyboard, french horns, and a pie plate. The music was scary, dark, and mysterios tune.

LUC THE GUY said...

I NOTICED SOME drum,trumpets, tubas,keybord,saxaphone and guitar, It gave me a wierd feeling

Mitchell said...

The instruments include violin, piano, drums, and guitar.
It sounded eerie, and mysterios, the perfect set for a batman theme.

MIchael B said...

There was many instruments in this performance, some of them were the electric cello, keyboard drum, taiko, trumpet and some tuba. This song was a scarey/ mysterious.

Olivia(birthday girl!) said...

The music is sort of mysterious and a little creepy and brought a more smooth tempo in a way. near the middle and end it gets a little creepy and kind of Halloween-ish theme.

the instrument I heard and saw were drums, keyboard, trumpets I think and possibly a bit of audio from a computer because i saw someone with a computer doing something but he could've just been controliing the lighting.

Lindsay said...

The instruments I saw were the drums, the keybord, and I think I saw the Violin or the guitar but i think it was the cello. The emotions that I think the music was someone angry, sad, maby even frustrated. I think if that was someone who was doing something and that music was on in a movie I would expect them to do something destructive.

Bianca! said...

In this peice I noticed many instruments such as trumpets, drums, tubas, keyboards, keyboards, violins, and cellos.
The music envoked a mysterios, dark and gloomy feel.
I also thout that the lights gave the piece a dark feel.
I liked the piece!