Since we are participating in Out of Eden Learn I thought it was important for you to read the letter I received in my email and which is also posted on the Out of Eden Learn blog. Tell me what you think. Post your response below. I will share your responses with the Out of Eden Learn organizers.

Greetings to the team of Out of Eden Learn. I am CoolNinja2095, and I am part of the Rm 11 Wizards class. I can see your struggles of how some countries that are banned from entering the U.S. use your site, and the thought must be painful that some of them might quit, or be a little bit more rude to the people in the U.S. I’m glad that you disagree with Trump’s action, and I think the letter you sent out to the Out of Eden Learn community will set things straight with other countries. I think that the letter might be the winning edge if one school in one of the banned countries is thinking about quitting. I appreciate that you would take the time to write letters to the users of your site, to tell them that you don't agree with Trump banning people from entering the U.S. I agree with you about Trump’s actions, and I feel that was unnecessary. I would like to thank you, for your thank you to the students. I can see how much this means to you, and how heartfelt your thank you was. Keep up the great work!
Sincerely, CoolNinja2095
Hello Out of Eden Learn Team, I’m Captainloser, from the Rm 11 Wizards. I think expressing how you feel about President Trump’s ban, and encouraging the participants in Out of Eden Learn, who are from the places being banned from entering the United States of America, is a really good idea. The letter you and the Harvard University president wrote was very encouraging and is an amazing message, showing that you are worried about the participants of Out of Eden Learn who are being discouraged by the current ban. I feel that people participating in Out of Eden Learn should not get discouraged or think they cannot keep posting and being part of the Out of Eden Learn Community because they are not allowed in the U.S.A. Out of Eden Learn is a website anyone can join and can share with other people, make connections and have fun. In conclusion, Out of Eden Learn is a free website, so people shouldn’t become discouraged just because they aren’t allowed in The United States. Taking the time to write a letter was a great idea and I hope you keep reaching out to, and encouraging, the participants of Out of Eden Learn.
Yours truly, Captainloser.
Hello Out Of Eden Learn! I’m Kyrie2 and I’m in Journey #2 and part of the Rm 11 Wizards. I think the letter you sent was important. I am in Canada so Trump’s decision wouldn’t affect me, but I still am concerned about the other countries that are banned. I hope they don’t quit or act differently to the students from the U.S. which wouldn’t be a good thing for students and the organizers of Out Of Eden Learn. I think that Trump’s decision was very unnecessary and bad, but we have to deal with this. I hope the travel ban will be stopped soon and everything will be fine. Also, I would like to thank you for the thank you to the students. I think it was a good thing to do and I’m happy that we’re doing a good job.
Thank You Out of Eden Learn for making this site and I hope nobody quits!
Hello, Out of Eden Learn Team. I am commonly known as THE_MEME_TEAM_666 as part of the Rm 11 Wizards. I definitely know how you are all feeling, as I as well strongly dislike Trump’s actions. I feel very strong empathy for those in the OOEL curriculum in countries that Trump banned. It is completely unfair for them, as they didn’t do anything to deserve this. Our teacher and the class read the letter together, and I started to question even more why Trump was even voted for in the election. Of course there are those people that appreciate Donald Trump’s actions, and even I thought we should give him a chance at first. We as a community can’t really stop Trump himself, but if he does any more, we have to stand up to him. Mostly people are fleeing from these countries because of war and terrorism! Trump probably isn't very smart. You guys are doing great, not just one of those idle education sites that only post when the students need work to do. You actually took the time to write letters to our educators about the Trump situation. I hope to see the OOEL curriculum thrive for years. Great work, all of you at the Out of Eden Learn Team!
Hi, I’m swimmer135, and I am in the Rm. 11 Wizards. I think that this letter is so important. Although the country that I live in is not banned, it is still important for me, and others who are in the ban especially, to know that Out of Eden Learn does not support President Trump’s new laws.
Since there are schools that are participating in Out of Eden Learn that are in one of the many newly banned countries, it is vital for them to know that even though America’s leader believes that they are dangerous, that the Out of Eden Learn Team doesn’t think of them, or anyone, as harmful, dangerous, or threatening. Your letter definitely made me realize that there are people that I’m communicating with, that for the time being, can’t come to the U.S. because of nothing other than fear. That the place I can get to with no problem at all, they can’t even get passed its border because it is against the law. I don’t think it is fair, but I think it is good that you shared your same opinion with us.
If I lived in a country that is now banned, I would definitely feel upset and hurt. I might even feel resentful towards America, especially if I participated in Out of Eden Learn with kids from America. But it is definitely helpful to know that you don’t agree with the new laws enforced by President Trump. This is going to set this straight, and if anyone is thinking of quitting, this will most likely stop them.
I would also like to thank you for your thank you to us. I love participating in Out of Eden Learn, since I think it is so cool to be able to communicate with people all over the world. It shows that we are not so different after all (although President Trump might not think that).
Hello, I’m billybob123 and I thought this was a great letter from the Out of Eden Learn team. I feel bad for the Out of Eden Learn community because people who are from places that are banned from the U.S. may be feeling sad, mad, or bad about themselves because of Trump’s decision. This is a bad decision made by Trump for all the people who have done nothing wrong to be banned. I like how the Out of Eden Learn team doesn’t support Trump’s decision even though they are American. I like how the Out of Eden Learn team values our voices and I appreciate what they said about us, how we make Out of Eden Learn a respectful and vibrant community. Those kind words really made me feel good about myself and I hope the people from those banned countries on Out of Eden Learn feel good about themselves like how I felt good about myself.
Hello, I’m Weir06, I’m from the room 11 Wizards. This letter is very important to me because the people from the other countries must feel very angry because Donald Trump has made a new law that people that are from a certain 7 countries are not allowed to enter the United States.
I think the ban is very important to me, the United States and especially the countries that are banned from entering the United States. I do not support Donald Trump’s new law and I’m glad Out of Eden Learn doesn’t either. If I were in the countries that are banned I would feel very upset and hurt. The kids that participate in out of Eden learn that live in the banned countries might feel bitter towards the kids that are in out of Eden learn that live in America because of President Trump's new law.
I am very happy that you don’t agree with Donald Trump’s new law because I don’t either. I would like to thank you for your thank you in the letter you sent us.
Dear Out of Eden Learn Team,
I am k44718 from the room 11 wizards and I love your program. My teacher showed us your letter that you sent out today, and although I live in Canada your worries are quite relatable to me too. I have many relatives in the United States, that have to deal with this situation. I think that it is very thoughtful of you to consider the students participating in OOEL that are from these countries that Donald Trump is being relentless towards. And the fact that you expressed your opinion on him honestly was very kind of you, instead of going along with it because he is your President. I think that you letting the students and teachers taking part in Out of Eden Learn know that even though you are from the same country as Donald Trump, it doesn’t mean you believe the same things as him. In fact you are most definitely not the only people who are upset about this. Even his Secretary of State (Sally Yates) disagreed with his idea, and for this she was fired. How awful is that? I agree one hundred percent with you. This is not okay. This is not what the leader of the United States of America should think is a good idea. I know that if I were from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, or Somalia I would be very hurt by the fact that a well known President doesn’t want me or my family in his country. Although it is only for 90 days, they are banned nonetheless. No one should be judged by the country they live in. No one should be judged by anything for that matter. We are all the same, so we should all be treated the same.
Kind regards, k44718.
Hello Out Of Eden Learn Team I am animallover1 from the Rm 11 Wizards. I thank you for your heart filled thank you to all the students participating in Out Of Eden Learn. I love Out Of Eden Learn and I think that it’s a great website, but unfortunately that’s not the reason that you sent the letter. I completely understand how you feel about the people in those poor countries that President Trump has banned from entering the United States of America. I think that it is very sweet of you to come out to everyone and say that you don’t think that it is fair. I know that you are worried that Mr. Trump's actions might affect you and Out Of Eden Learn. The thought that some classes in some of those countries may quit is probably hard on you, the Out Of Eden Learn Team. I want you to know that although I do not live or have any relationships with any of those countries I hope the letter that you wrote will break any ice that might have started to form. I hope that no classes will quit just because of President Trump’s actions. Keep up the great work.
Sincerely, animallover1
Hello Out of Eden Learn Team. I am ConicalDepressionDepresser and I’m in the rm 11 Wizards. We saw your Donald Trump letter and I think that you did a good job with it. I was imagining if I couldn't go into the U.S.A.. I was surprised at what I imagined. I would be MAD. Anyways, I liked the letter. It was thorough and it actually taught me that Trump placed a ban on some countries. I disagree about banning countries 100% because most people didn't even do anything to get them banned. It’s just so unfair! When people are born in a banned country, they will never know what the U.S.A. looks like. Everyone should be in OOEL, and people shouldn’t hide because they can’t go in the U.S.A.. No class should quit because of Trump’s ban. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, ConicalDepressionDepresser
Hello Out Of Eden Learn Team, I am ten from Rm 11 Wizards. My teacher showed us the letter you wrote. Even though I am not in one of the banned countries, I still care and I think Donald Trump made a bad choice.
I get that you might be worried about people who live in the banned countries quitting or being rude to the people who live in America, but I think they will appreciate that you care and you don’t agree with Trump. Trump even fired the Secretary of State (Sally Yates) because she disagreed with the ban. I feel bad for the people in the 7 countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) in the 90 day ban.
If I were one of the people in the banned countries, I would be really mad and sad, I would dislike Trump way more than I already do. Although, I wouldn’t make rude comments or anything to anyone living in America because it isn’t their fault.
Anyways, thanks for the thank you to the students. I enjoy doing Out Of Eden Learn, it’s really fun! I love following Paul and communicating with people from other countries, I like seeing how different their lives are from mine.
Sincerely, ten
Hello fellow illuminati it’s illuminatiand6191 from Room 11 Wizards! I am posting this to the Out Of Eden Learn Team. You and the Harvard University president wrote a great letter to all of us in O.O.E.L about president Trump’s decision on the ban of certain countries entering into the United States of America, I respectfully disagree with Mr. Trump’s ban on certain countries entering the USA. It is very powerful how you took the time to write such a meaningful letter for those who can’t go over to the USA to buy goods or visit family or friends. You all just took time out of your lives to change other’s.
Together we can make a difference. Muslims and some people in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen, trying to buy goods or visit family or friends, I’m sorry that this happened to everyone there and I want to say that not all Americans are like that and some-like the OOEL team care about you, (I know I care.) Let's all all get together and be like the OOEL team and help these people get through hard times and comfort them, after all we are all unique and should all be respected.
Yours truly, illuminatiand6191.
O.O.E.L response
Hello OOEL team and Harvard University. I am bossboy2006 from the Rm11 Wizards. I think expressing your feelings with a letter was a great idea. I would like to tell you that I'm with you. I do not agree with President Trump’s actions. I think most of the people in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen are good people. I want the people in the USA to socialize with the people from the seven banned countries. You should keep on reaching out and encouraging them to keep on doing OOEL.
Hello! To the Out Of Eden Learn team. My name is fireface606 and I am from the Rm 11 Wizards. I am writing to you today about your letter. I to feel strongly about President Trump’s rules. Although my country is not banned I still worry about this rule. I would not like if I was in Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia or Yemen. In fact, I would be really sad and depressed. It wouldn't even be fair. Just because some people came to America from my country doesn’t mean I should be banned. I do not think that this rule is necessary yet President Trump made it. I'm glad that you are not forgetting about those banned countries. I don’t like this and I am glad that you don’t either.
Hello Out Eden Learn Team and Harvard University president I’m 168 and my class is the Room 11 Wizards. My repose to your letter is this: I understand that you are upset and about president Trump’s new executive order and I am too, but I kind of understand why Trump signed it, but it was a bad order to sign. I understand that this may affect the community with more hate speech and dislike towards Americans and-and just plain refusal to use your great site. I also believe that you feel bad for the refugees from that war- torn countries and those countries that have problems and want a better life. I also think that it sad that most people in those nations will not be able to see your letter. This outrageous executive order will probably reinforce what their government probably tells them: all Americans are evil. And if their nation gets better they will not want to use your site and their life experience might add to your site. Thanks for writing the letter
Sincerely 168
Hello Out Of Eden Learn! I’m J438 from the Room 11 Wizards class. And I would like to thank you for recognizing what is happening with migrants and refugees. I am glad that you disagree with what Trump is doing. I think the ban is wrong and unneeded. It is unfair to the people who did nothing wrong that are now not allowed entry into the U.S. I like how you wrote the letter to let everyone know that you think Trump’s actions are wrong. I think that your letter helped everyone who has been banned from the U.S.. I think that the letter helped them realize that they didn't do anything wrong, and that there is nothing wrong with them. That they shouldn't let it affect them to much. I would also like to thank you for your thank you to all the students who participate in OOEL. I can tell that this means a lot to you and that you really meant what you said.
Sincerely, J438 :)
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