
Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Child's Garden - a story of HOPE

Watch the above video. Tell me why you think the book is called "a story of hope".

Open the following link to find out some interesting information about the author.


Unknown said...

I hear there's a power outage and no school tomorrow

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

YOU ARE RIGHT...Pass the message along please.

TheBloggingWorker+ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yes I sent Ronan a message

Unknown said...

I can't read the story words and the board website said that there's school tommorow yay!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm with David it's blurry but it looks like he's in a concentration camp and he finds a flower I think this Is called a story of hope because one little thing can go a long way!

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

If you pull the video up full screen you will be able to see the words clearly.

Unknown said...

I think it's called the story of hope because in the story, a little boy found a plant. He hoped that it will survive and grow. That hope brought joy and happiness for people and animals.
The soldiers pull it down. But next spring it starts growing, but he can't reach because of the fence. He hopes that it will survive. One day a little girl came and watered the plants. Everyday the girl comes and waters the plants. Soon after, the plant spreds and then comes on his side of the fence. He takes care of it and hopes that the soldiers won't come back. With his and the girl on the other side's plants grew a garden even bigger than before. One day the fence diassipers. Everyone is free and Happy.
A little hope can go a very long way and can make others happy.

~ Andra

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

Hello Andra,
I like your concluding sentence. It is very true.

Unknown said...

I think that it is called "The story of hope" because a little boy was 'hoping' to find some light, in the darkness, and then when he saw it, he had hope, and he wanted the little plant to have hope too, to have hope that he would have a home, and have water, shade and that he would survive. "The boy's world was a place of ruin and rubble, ringed by a fence of barbed wire. In the hot, dry summer the air was thick with dust." I think that this little boy just wanted some company, or colour in his life, so when he saw the plant, he would do everything he could do to protect the little thing. And, before long, the plant was a big, strong grapevine! Then, he had some friends come, and sit under the shade of it's branches.
I think that a little hope can go a loooong way, like Andra said.

Unknown said...

oh that's because I was on my i pad

TheBloggingWorker+ said...

This story is a story where a boy, is in a refugee camp (I assume so because there is barbed wire and the houses are damaged and there are soldiers guarding it.) He finds a little green plant, that makes him happy, he cares for it and it grows into a garden.
One day the soldiers pull it down, but once they take it and throw it into a ditch, next spring the seeds of the plants grow again.
Some of it grows on the other side of the camp and some inside the camp. It grows back and even larger. This story shows, that even little hope, even like a little plant, can make people more happy and bring joy for those in despair and in sadness and suffering, and in time of need.

Unknown said...

I think this story is called a story of hope because the little boy who is in a refugee camp is walking and he finds a little plant and went to make it a little house. Weeks later it turned into a beautiful garden. It's called a story of hope because the boy didn't give up after the first time the soldiers cut the grape vine down he took care of it again. Also he didn't care that he was in a refugee camp and he didn't care if he is not aloud to do it he just did it. That's why I think it's called a story of hope

Jordan Kurpita said...


It is called a story of hope because that little flower was that guys hope in this big scary, dangerous world, and was the greatest distraction for him. The flower, probably reminded him of those great big hills, with running streams and grassy lands. A place he was forbidden to go. The great vines full of colour, beauty and peace told him that he was like that vine. When it was torn of the barbed wire, it showed us of that peace, beauty and uniqueness that was taken away from him in the first place. That flower, was hope springing up in the most darkest and dangerous of places. That’s what hope is: A light that may fade and dim, but it is never gone.

(I.e. They may have torn down those vines, but seeds may still grow.)

TheBloggingWorker+ said...

The one at December 9th is mine, I deleted it because it is actually a refugee camp but I thought it was concentration.

Unknown said...

I think the video was called "The story of hope", because there was a boy that saw a little sprout of a grape vine in the ground and he took care of it and hoped that nothing would happen to it. The soldiers came a few days later, pulled it out of the ground and threw it over the fence. He hoped that the seeds of the vine would survive the winter, and the seeds did survive. Then a girl went over to the seeds and did the same thing as the little boy did, took care of the sprouts.

There was lots of hoping of the little boy.

Unknown said...

I think it’s called 'A Story of Hope' because the little green plant gave hope to the little boy, causing him to keep caring for the plant, and eventually, the plant turned a dull, dark place into a child’s playground. It gave the people behind that fence something to live for, or something that gives them at least SOMETHING that’s happy in their life.

I think the declaration of human rights ties into this story because people do not deserve to be separated from the rest of the population. It’s not fair! People are people, and that is that.

I also agree with Andra and Eileen that a little bit of hope can go a LONG way.

Luke S said...

I think that the story is called “A Story Of Hope” because it suggests that the boy is in a refugee camp, and has nothing, but when he has the vine, a beacon of hope shines for him, but then the soldiers come and take away that hope away from him. then he sees the girl and the shoots, and a little bit of hope lights up, then he sees the shoots inside the fence and the hope shines brighter than before and he knows that no matter what the shoots will get through.
The plant I think represents hope, and when the soldiers (war) come and take the hope away. at the end when the vine grows back and the child now knows that no matter what, hope will shine through.

Katie said...

I think that the book is called “a story of hope” because the children displayed hope, even when they were in a refugee camp. In the beginning, the little boy finds a seedling. He nurtures it and takes pride in it. He gives it hope and constant care. Sadly the soldiers pulled down the vines, the boy was sad that his lovely grape vine was gone. But after Winter passes by, he finds a beginning of his plant. It was on the other side of the fence, though. Sill, a spark of hope and excitement fills the boy. A new girl, who lives on the other side, comes and waters the sprouts. As she returns each day, it grows more and more and more until the boy is able to reach it. It continually grows. Once again, the garden is back to beauty. The people who live inside that fence don’t care it the vines are torn down again by the soldiers. For “roots are deep and seeds spread.” The root will always be there, and so the plant will forever grow.
The garden could give the people in the refugee camp hope that they are doing something nice and I’m sure that their beautiful garden would brighten their day. It would also take their mind off of the world and just focus on watering their plants and nurturing and watching them grow.
I think that the book is called "a story of hope" because the people had hope, and hope is such a great thing to have.

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think this story is called 'A STORY OF HOPE' because of the seed. The little boy found a little plant poking out between the rubble. He nurtured and cared for it repeatedly and the plant grew. When the soldiers tore it down, the little girl cared for the roots and the plant grew again. Roots made it to the little boy and he started to care for the roots on his side until they reached the little girl's plant. The 2 plants entertwined to cover the fence, everyone was happy on both sides, eventually the fence was torn down. The alternate meaning could be, overshadowed by darkness a ray of hope poked out. When it was nurtured it grew until it brightened the darkness. When hope was torn down the roots were still there, someone else cared for hope's roots and it grew again. The same person as before cared for little roots from the other person's hope until it grew again encasing everyone in hope. Eventually the line that seperates us will be torn down.
The meaning of “roots are deep and seeds spread.” is that the beggining of hope speads into people's lives and that hope is deep and will always be there.
Sarah Anne

Hi I'm Ronan said...

I think the story is called "A story of hope" because the little boy as hoping the plant would survive. The boy lives in a refuge camp, (in least inferred that from the barb wire and bricks)a place where there is tons of ruins and rubble, and the boy is just hoping that the plant will survive in those conditions. Sadly the hope disappears when the solders take down the vine, but after the winter the boy sees the vine sprouting up from the ground, and the hope is back again.

Unknown said...

This is called The Story Of Hope because the story is about a boy who is a refugee that was put in a camp that only refugees like him go there and they don’t come out. One day the boy found a tiny plant in all the rubble and stones. He took care it until it became a huge plant that ran across the fence that separated the boy from the city. But one day the soldiers took the plant down and threw it in a ditch. But the boy still has some hope. He saw seeds and a girl on the outside started to water them. Then he saw plants on his side and he started watering them. Because he had some hope, the plants came back.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara Marentette said...

I think that it is called “A Story of Hope” because in the midst of all the ruin and rubble in the refugees camp, the boy finds a small little plant that he takes care of and tends to all the time, and then, because he was looking after the plant a lot and was very, hopeful, the plant grew into a big, pretty vine that spread all over the camp, and even after the soldiers chopped the vine down and took it away, the boy found a sapling inside the camp, and looked after it, and once again, it grew into a large, pretty vine. I think that this is connected to the declaration of human rights because the boy and other refugees were unjustly forced to live in the small, cramped camp instead of a proper home where they could go anywhere they wanted to.

Unknown said...

I think that the story is called a story of hope because the boy in the story hoped that his plant would survive. He brought it water and shade and everything it needed when he barely had enough to live himself. Then the soldiers came and tore out the plant. Despite that, he still tried to keep the plant alive. One day, the girl came along and watered the plant. Then the plant grows out of boy's side of the fence. Eventually, the two plant tangle up against each other. I still don't get how an entire fence disappears.

Unknown said...

This story is about a little boy, who is a refugee (a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster), in a refugee camp, which is cut off from the hills that he used to visit with his father. He finds this plant and gives it the little resources that he had. Even though he doesn’t know what sort of plant it is (it could’ve been a weed, or a plant that sucks the little nutrients left in the ground out), he is still kind to it, and makes sure it doesn’t die (“He didn’t know what sort of plant it was, a flower or a weed; he just knew it would struggle to survive.”). Finally, all the boy’s hard work payed off, and the plant (which symbolizes ‘hope’) grew so big, it covered the ugly fence that kept them away from the rest of the people. But the soldiers (which represent other people or ‘war’) took away the plant, and threw it into a ditch. Then another child came, and helped the vine (hope) grow. Then, the plant (hope) came back to the place where there was none.

This story shows how just one person can give everyone a lot of hope.

PS. Wasn’t it sort of stupid for the boy to yell “Look! Come and see! My vine has come back!” especially after the soldiers came and took it before? I think it was…


Unknown said...

PPS. I like the song.


Unknown said...

e (I forgot that)

Unknown said...

I think that this story is a ‘Story of Hope’ because the boy in the story is trapped in what looks like a Refugee Camp has no hope, until he find this little plant. He wants this plant to live and grow, which gives him reason to keep on going no matter what happens, and eventually, it is a gigantic Grapevine that provides shade and brings animals and colour and new life to the camp.

The plant showed him that there is still good left in the world, and that not everything has went bad, which is what it may look like in that Refugee Camp .

Sadly, the soldiers come, and take away the plant, throwing it the remains into a ditch. Next Spring, he sees more plant seeds in the ditch, but they are on the other side of the barbed wire. He wants the plant to survive so bad, but he can’t do a thing. Then, he sees a girl from the other side come out. She waters the plant for days, which eventually become weeks, and eventually the plant has grown all the way to the fence. After a week or so, the plant has covered the fence, and you can barely even see it. This returns the shade and the birds to the camp, once again bringing life and hope that one day the world will be better.

I quote Andra here - “A little hope can go a very long way and make others happy.” (I couldn’t say any other way!)


Unknown said...

Sorry, I made a mistake. in the brackets at the end, I meant to say 'I couldn't say IT any other way.' (I forgot the 'it.')


Unknown said...

ALSO, sorry for taking so long to post. Had done for weeks, but thought I had already posted :P
