
Monday, November 11, 2013

Hana's Suitcase


We recently read a newspaper article about an older man named Nate, who was reminiscing about the events of Kristallnacht, when he was a young boy of 10, living in Germany. 
Pope Francis recently marked the 75th anniversary of the Kristallnacht attacks in Nazi Germany, saying the state-sponsored ransacking of Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues on the night of Nov. 9, 1938, in which scores of Jewish people were killed, marked a step toward the Holocaust and should not be forgotten. Pope Francis said the following in his Nov. 10th mass, this past Sunday, at St. Peter's Square:
"We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers
and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance."

We are reading Hana's Suitcase in class. How do you think George and Hana are similar and different in terms of the effect WWll had on them? Next week is anti-bullying week. How does Pope Francis' message relate to anti-bullying? (Post your responses.)

A Bruenn JR shop, a Jewish-run store after it has been vandalized by Nazis and its frontwall inscripted with anti-Semitic graffiti after Kristallnacht. 


Unknown said...

George and Hanna are similar in terms of the affect on them in W.W.I. because they both were Jews and they both got picked on and bullied by the Nazis. They both got frustrated because over time they weren't allowed to go to the park, the movies, even school! They both had to were a yellow star on their coat when they went outside that said Jude on it. They both had to get separated from their parents and eventually, each other. They both felt mistreated.

George and Hanna are different in terms of the affect on them in W.W.I. because sadly Hanna died from the concentration camps on the first day, but George surprisingly survived.

Unknown said...

George and Hana are similar in these ways:
-They both went to deportion centres
-They both tryed to protect each other
- They were both Jews

George and Hana are different in these ways:
- George survived the war, but Hana didn't
- George was a plumber and Hana wasn't
- George is a boy and Hana is a girl (DUH!)
- Hana was sent to L410 barrack in the deportion centre and George wasn't
- George still lives to this day (probably) but Hana died many years ago

anotherfinekettleoffish said...

George and Hana are similar because they were both staying strong in the camps. They didn't give up hope. They are also similar because they were not getting the Nazi's angry which kept them alive longer. Their differences were George worked and was keeping Hana's hopes up and not letting her be crushed by the Nazis. Hana was angry, sad and was not very hopeful. Another difference was that Hana unfortunately dies, but George stays alive. That's how Hana and George are different and similar.

Unknown said...

Sorry I forgot to say how Pope Francis'message related to anti-bullying.
Pope Fracis' message relates to anti-bullying because he is talking about praying to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance. Which is like saying that we pray to God that bully's sins help us to stand up to them.

TheBloggingWorker+ said...

George and Hana are similar in these ways:
-They lost their parents
-They tried to protect each other.
-They were Jews
-They both went to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz camps.
-George is older
-Hana is younger
-Hana was killed in Auschwitz, George wasn't

Unknown said...

"We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers
and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance." I think this statement by pope Francis means that we are renewing closeness to the Jewish people our brothers in faith also to pray to god about Kristallnacht. Also to be do something about hate and intolerance.

Unknown said...

George and Hana had similar experiences with the WWI were…….

They were JEWS!
They were picked on.
They couldn’t go anywhere.
They were separated into different places where Jews were.
They had to wear a star.

Different experiences….

Different age.
Different Gender
George survived and Hana was murdered.
George worked as a plumber but not Hana.

"We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers
and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance."
That quote from Pope Francis was related to anti-bullying because it tells pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins. That means that we have to pray for Nazis that BULLIED the Jews.

Hi I'm Ronan said...

George and Hana are similar because
- They are to siblings that were affected by Kristallnacht
-They were both sent to places like prison.
- They were both jews
The differences are
- Hana is obviously a girl
- George survived well Hana sadly did not
- George was a plumber and Hana was not.

Sara Marentette said...

Hana and George are similar because:
-they both did not want to be separated from each other or their parents
-they both did not understand when people came looking for shelter at their house
-they both thought that the holocaust was unfair

Hana and George are different because:
-Hana said exactly what she thought out loud, but George did not really say what he thought that much.
-Hana was killed at a death camp, but George survived the war
- Hana did not entirely understand, while George did.
Pope Francis' message is related too anti-bullying because even though the Jews are a different religion, that does not mean that they should be treated any different.

Katie said...

George and Hana: Similar, and Different

~Both withstood through the Nazi’s restrictions (ex: having to wear the yellow star when outside)
~Obviously, Jews
~Were made to stop going to regular school
~Were separated on arrival to Terezin
~Were made to eat skimpy, yucky food while in Terezin
~Both talked with each other about their thoughts and feelings when they were still in their home town
~Both thought that it was unfair that they had to stay off the playground, not go to school, go indoors at a certain times (for all Jews), that they were treated differently than regular, non-Jewish people

~George lived, but Hana died
~Hana was celebrating her birthday when she and her brother was sent to Terezin
~Hana was three years younger than George, so her view of the whole situation of being sent away was different than George's
~George lived to be sad that he couldn’t keep his promise of protecting his sister

Pope Francis’ message relates to anti-bullying because in his quote, he says “against every form of hate and intolerance.” Bullies hate others and they do not tolerate others, so Pope Francis is saying to pray to God to help us keep ourselves away from acting mean and unkind. He is saying to pray to God to help us not to be bullies, but to be kind, loving, open people.

Unknown said...

George and Hana are similar in these ways:
They were both Jews,
they loved each other very much,
they both protected and cared for each other,
and they both went to deportation centers to go to Theresienstadt.

George and Hana are different in these ways:
George survived the deportation centers but Hana, sadly, didn't :(,
George had a job as a plumber but Hana didn't have a job,
George is older than Hana by three years,
George probably lives today but Hana died years ago.

Pope Francis' message relates to anti-bullying because since the Jews were being treated badly because of the Nazis, it's kinda like the Nazis were bullying the Jews because of how different their culture and they are. It doesn't matter how different Jews are. The Jews didn't do anything wrong but millions of Jews were killed anyway. Pope Francis is kinda saying that we will play to the Jews because they didn't do anything wrong but they got killed for no apparent reason in the past and also pray for the Nazis because of their sins. We must treat others the same as you want to be treated.

Unknown said...

I mean "pray." Not "play." SORRY ABOUT THE TYPO!

Unknown said...

How do you think George and Hana are similar and different in terms of the affect WW|| had on them?

-they were both Jewish, and the Nazis disliked them
-they both loved each other
-they both tried to protect each other
-both obeyed the Nazis' restrictions (e.g., not being aloud to go to the movies)
-They were separated as soon as they arrived in Terezin
-both sent to Terezin
-both thought that the treatment of the Jewish (being different then the treatment of the non-Jewish people) was unfair.
-they didn't give up hope even in the terrible camps they were sent to
-their parents got killed :(
-they were siblings
-they were both affected by Kristallnacht

-George was 3 years older than Hana
-George promised his father he would take care of Hana, but he could sadly couldn't keep his promise
-George survived he war, but sadly Hana didn't (was killed in a gas chamber)
-George worked as a plumber
-George was a boy
-Hana was a girl

Unknown said...

I think that Pope Francis' massage relates to bulling. We are praying about how the Nazis bullies the Jews and we have to never let history repeat itself.

Unknown said...

Hana and George's experiences were similar because before they were taken away, their parents were taken first. Also, they both had to deal with the rules against Jews made by Hitler. I heard that Hitler only hated Jews because he was picked on by some Jewish kids when he was little. See how serious bullying can be? Hana and George's experiences were different because George survived, but sadly, Hana drowned in her own blood on the first day. (Gas chambers) Also, Hana was getting sad and angry, but George was trying to stay calm and not worry. (He probably worried though.)
That is how Hana and George's experiences are the similar and different.
-Jacob Armstrong

Luke S said...

I have a question. are Hana and George the ones we are comparing or Hana and Nate? thanks
I think pope Francis' message relates to anti-bullying because when he says "to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance." that includes bullying as a form of hate AND intolerance

Unknown said...

I think Hana and George's experiences were different because Hana was getting sad and angry, and wasn't afraid to show it, but George was calm and discreet about his emotions, and tried to stay calm. George survived, but sadly Hana died
I agree with Katherine about the fact that Hana was younger than George, so her view of the whole situation of being sent away was different.

Some things that were the same was that they were both Jews, and they also both suffered the death of their parents. I agree with Andra about the fact they didn't give up hope as well. They had the same restrictions, and they hated Hitler. (I hate Hitler too >:()

I think that Pope Francis's message relates to anti-bullying because the Nazis were bullying the Jews in a way, just an extreme version.

Oh, and Mackenzie, I am praying with you that Kristalnacht will never happen again.

Unknown said...

Question 1:

Hana Brady and George Brady were the same in the way that they were affected in WWII since:

-They both lost their parents.
-They both were sent to Theresienstadt Concentration Camp.
-They both were abused greatly by the Nazis.
-They were both Jews.
-They both attempted to protect each other (Note the Word 'Attempted.')

Hana and George were differently affected by WWII since:

-Hana got sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp after a year in Theresienstadt Concentration Camp. George was not sent to Auschwitz.
-*SPOILERS* Hana died in Auschwitz, but George survived working as a labourer in Theresienstadt.

Question 2:

"We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance."

This quote from Pope Francis relates to Anti-Bullying since he says that we should pray to God in memory of the past to help be vigilant against every form of Hate or Intolerance, which is similar to saying that we should pray to God to give us the strength to stand up to bullying.


Unknown said...

George and Hana are similar because they were both kids in World War 2, they were both Jewish, they both lived in nove mesto and they both got taken away by the Nazi's. They are different in ways because they were different gender (obviously), George survived the war but hana didn't. They were different ages AND George is still alive today.