
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mythbusters- Lights On or Off MiniMyth

What does this Mythbusters episode prove? What do you think of how they proved their answer?


Bianca said...

I thin it proves that turning your lights off when you don't need them saves energy and money. I also thought that this was a very easy and simple way to figure out this myth.


bianca said...

I meant to say "I think it proves that turning your lights off..."

Mitchell once said...

This proves that turning lights off is more energy efficient because it is wise to not use energy when not in need of it. I think that they used good methods on finding their answer.

Olivia said...

It shows that turning lights off when you don't need conserves energy and money,

luc the blob muncher said...

It shows that if you don't need 'em don't use 'em because it saves money and electricity