Happy Joy Day!
Watch the two videos below. Tell me three messages in the first video. (Post your response).
Listen and sing along to the song. People are holding up messages during the song. Record three of the messages? Find out what they mean. (Post your response.)
When you and your team are done see me for Part 2 of your Joy Day Scavenger Hunt.
Remember to watch out for Scrooge!
Advent is a time when we wait for Jesus.
Advent means the coming of something.
Advent is a period lasting four Sundays.
Anderson, Johann, Nathan.
1. We prepare for the Lord
2. Waiting for Jesus
3. Advent is coming
- Team Henry
Tenley and Ella
Advent means ‘the coming’ of something.
Advent is the period lasting four Sundays preparing for the celebration of Jesus’s birth.
Advent the season of change.
Alex+Sam+Jack+Stefan(Team ILLUMINATI)
Advent is the season of waiting for Jesus Christ
- Katie and Chloe
Advent means ‘the coming’ of something.
Advent is the four Sunday’s leading up to Jesus to be born.
Advent is preparing for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
Advent means ‘the coming’ of something.
Advent is the four Sunday’s leading up to Jesus to be born.
Advent is preparing for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
“Advent is a season of looking forward”
“You are always there in a quiet room waiting for me to come to you”
“I will wait for you”
-Chloe and Katie
They all mean Merry Christmas in other languages.
Team Illuminati
Merry Christmas
Frohe weihnacht
MaLigayang pasko
-Team Henry
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