Mystery Skype
We will participating in Mystery Skype later this week. Work with a partner and come up with 10 BEST questions to assist us in figuring out where our Mystery Skype school is located. Prepare your questions on Google Docs. Do not post until I give you the signal. We will analyze which questions are best and why?

Mystery Skype Questions
By: Sarah J. and Kieran
1. Do you live in the Northern hemisphere?
2. Is English the most spoken language in your country?
3. Does your flag have stripes on it?
4. Do you live near the equator?
5. Does your flag have a cross or another symbol on it?
6. What ocean do you live near?
7. Do you live in the Eastern hemisphere?
8. What continent do you live in?
9. What time is it in your country?
10. Do you have one of the Wonders of the World in your country?
Do you live in the Northern Hemisphere?
Do you live in the Eastern Hemisphere?
Do you border an ocean?
Are you close to the equator?
What colours are in your flag?
What language do you speak?
Is English an official language in your country?
What is the population in your country?
What is the time in your country?
Are there different shapes in your flag?
Is it the season Spring in your country?
(and Noah)
1. Are you in the Northern Hemisphere?
2. Are you in the Eastern Hemisphere?
3. Are you in ____ (continent)?
4. Are you in the northern part of ____ (continent)?
5. Is your country on the Atlantic (or, depending on the continent, Pacific) ocean?
6. What colour(s) are your flag?
7. What is your national sport?
8. Are you landlocked?
9. What is a famous landmark in your country?
10. Are you ___ (country)?
Additional Questions
11. Does your country have all four seasons?
~Ronan & Sara
10 Best Mystery Skype Questions
By Lucas and Natalie
1. Do you live in the eastern hemisphere?
2. Do you live in the northern hemisphere?
3. What continent do you live in? (If not then go through continents. i.e. Do you live in Asia? Of course this question depends on what hemisphere they live in)
4. Do you border oceans, seas, etc.? (If “yes” name them)
5. Is your official language English?
6. Are you a landlocked country?
7. Do you have any well known landmarks in your country? (If “yes” name them)
8. Do you get all four seasons?
9. Is your country a popular place to go during the summer?
10. Do you have any star(s) on your flag? (If “yes” how many?)
Mystery Skype Questions
By: Jaime & David
1. What continent do you live in?
2. Is your language Germanic?
3. Does your flag have more than 3 colors?
4. Do you play your national sport on a field?
5. Is your country known for a certain type of food? What is it?
6. Does your country get all 4 seasons?
7. Do you border the ocean or are you landlocked?
8. Is your population greater than 100 million?
9. Does your flag have a star?
10. What is your main religion?
1. What continent do you live in?
2. Do you live in the Northern Hemisphere?
3. What are the colours on your flag?
4. Does your country have winter?
5. Are you landlocked?
6. Is your country known for football?
7. Does your country use cars often?
8. Is your official language French/Spanish/English?
9. What type of money does your country use?
That is all.
Thank you, thank you very much.
~ Eileen, Xavier, Daniel
Our 10 questions:
1. Are you on the eastern hemisphere?
2. Are you on the northern hemisphere?
3. What time is it where you live right now?
4. Does your country border an ocean?
5. Does your country border another country?
6. Do you speak English as your first language?
7. What colours are on your flag?
8. Do you have cold winters?
9. Are there any famous landmarks in your country?
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