Part One - Joy Day Scavenger Hunt - Watch the video below and listen to the song. What does Advent mean to you? How does the song relate to Advent? Post your response. You will get Part Two of our Joy Day Scavenger Hunt in class. Remember to watch out for Scrooge!
So.....are we answering What does advent mean to you, or How does the song relate to advent?
Christmas means the birth of Jesus, and the Advent season is the season before Christmas. It is a time where we get ready for Christmas. We try to prepare our hearts to be as good as we can so we can be ready for Jesus to enter our hearts on Christmas day.The gift-buying part is a minor part, just to go along with the tradition, as well as Santa, and reindeers. What to remember is that we celebrate Christmas for Jesus (hence the name “Christ” in Christmas). I think that the song is saying to welcome Jesus into our lives, hence the title “O Come Emmanuel”, and Emmanuel is Jesus. The song also sings about Emmanuel as well. ~BY D&R
P.S. Thank you very very very very much.
What does Advent mean to you?
Advent means waiting, joyfully, hopefully, faithfully, and peacefully, for the birthday of Jesus Christ. Advent isn't just a suspenseful time before Christmas. Advent is waiting for the coming of our Saviour, Jesus. We celebrate Christmas on December 25th, because that is Jesus’ birthday. We don’t celebrate it then because it’s the day Santa went into business! Christmas is a special day, so we think that it deserves a special wait. A special time to prepare for Christmas.”Commemorating the birth of Jesus, preparing for Christ’s return, and welcoming God into our lives each day. Advent prepares us for these events, reminds us there’s joy in waiting, and it begins the church year.” Those two sentences pretty much answer that question completely.
How does the song relate to Advent?
We feel the song "Oh come, oh come Emmanuel" means that we are waiting for Jesus or "Emmanuel," to be born, or to come on Christmas. We are “mourning in lonely exile here, until the son of God appears.” That basically means that we want Jesus Christ to come into our lives, to brighten them. We want him to make us happy in our time of sadness, loved, in our time of need, and make our lives bright, when we are mourning.
That is all.
Thank you, thank you very much.
~NEA (Natalie, Eileen & Andra)
Advent means that we are getting ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth on December 25th by lighting candles each Sunday until a week before Christmas, and that's when we light the pink candle. The song relates to advent, because the first words are “O’ come Emmanuel,” and Emmanuel means God is with us. It also says “Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice!” which means you are waiting for Jesus to come, and celebrating when he comes, on December 25th, his birthday.
To me, Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Part of it is also waiting and preparing for His second coming.
The song, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” relates to Advent because the lyrics refer to waiting for “Emmanuel” (Jesus), which is like Advent because it is about waiting for Jesus. Also, one of the verses: “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you oh Israel,” also relates Advent because Advent is also a time of rejoicing because our Savior is coming.
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