What is the important information about First Nations included in this video? Record the key information in order. What was the most meaningful piece of information to you? Post.

Open the above site and explore. It is very interesting.

The Link doesn't work...it just leads to a video about Bottlenosed Dolphins and Lemurs. What do I do? :O
What is the important information about First Nations included in this video? Record the key information in order. What was the most meaningful piece of information to you?
Information in point form:
- They were the first people ever to live in north america
- They hunted buffalo by stampeding them over cliffs.
- In the 1500's, white people brought diseases from Europe
- They were forced to leave to the reservations.
- They are trying to help the cultre survive till the next century.
(they are trying to preserve their languages, arts, and religions)
The most meaningful part to me was that they are trying to preserve the religions and the languages, because if they weren't gone, we wouldn't have to preserve them.
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