
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Raptor Nest Webcam

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superjepic said...

omg the nest haz a fish in it.

Anonymous said...

I couldn watch this forevz

Bluebell said...

Awww! The little baby eagles are soooo cute! =D

Anonymous said...

OMG i luv this itz so cute. this is a great way 2 raise awareness for the cause! i so agree i could totaly watch thiz 4evz.

Anonymous said...

Baby biwdys aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Julia said...

The little bald eagles are so adorable, I find them extraordinary. They seem so passionate and adorable snuggling in with their mother, I am not for sure of the purpose because I was not here, are they endangered? Because I searched them up on Wikipedia and it said so, but you can never be sure. The web ties into earth day quite well, earth day is about respecting the planet, showing that you can stand up and make a change in the world. And making a change in our planet is an easy thing to do you have to have the passion the initiative and the love to do something right. Because bald eagles are on our planet; earth, their species counts as changing our world for the better. Bald eagles are one of the luckiest of the endangered species because they are only in a risk at some countries or cities in earth the population is going up according to a website I checked, but that does not mean we shouldn't protect them, because there in need and we need to take a stand and so something about it. So that is how bald eagles tie into earth day because they need a hand just like our planet.

superjepic said...

aw it gotten snowed on :(

Olivia said...

The purpose of the "Raptor Resource project" is to raise awarness of the endangered predatorial birds out there. These magnificant birds are living breathing animals that we must conserve. We take away their food and shelter.

tatertoter said...

The reason they have the raptor reasorce project is to raise awarness for Bald Eagles ( Bakd Eagles are on the endangered animal list). We take away there food and homes all the time. Just think if someone came and destroyed your home how would you feel? Sure the baby eagles are cute but cute or not there are all living creatures. And that does not make them any better than us. Even though Humans are the strongest and most intelligent creatures it does not mean we have any better right to live than them. And this project is held to show the hard work and survial they go through to survive and us destroying there homes just makes it harder . The people who came up with this are doing it because they care about them and want other to too.

Liam said...

The eagles in the Raptor Resource Project are very cute to watch, but that isn't all they are there for, firstly they are there to raise awareness about bald eagles. But what if there was more to it? The bald eagles also tie into Earth Day.

I think the bald eagles tie into Earth Week because it shows just how well animals treat each other, it also shows that they have feelings, when you can watch their every movement with the web cam they have set up. I think that the theme of Earth Week is to help protect and preserve the Earth as best we can. By showing these birds in their natural habitat makes me want to help out even more than before. The live feed from the nest cam motivates me to do even better than before, to take more action to not only help the eagles, but to help all animals and nature, therefore helping all mankind.

Ingrid said...

Now that we have all seen the bald eagle in its natural imviroment, can't we all agree that these are creature worth saving? Earth day ties into this really well because Earth Day is all about remebering to take care of the world and all the creature living on earth. Every animal is amazing in its own way and almost every animal is affected by us poluting and hurting these creatures.The world is a beautiful place and we are blessed top have it. We need to help save the creature we share the world with, the Raptor Resource Program took step 1

Bluebell said...

The "Raptor Resourse Project" ties into Earth Day/Week because animals are a HUGE part of the earth! This webcam really shows us how majestic and beautiful nature in the wild really is! I mean, have you seen the little baby birds lately!!! They have changed so much after the past few weeks! They have lost almost all their baby down and are turning gray now. I almost thought that the mother was sitting on two small fluffly sweaters!
Also watching the nest webcam shows us the nesting habbits of the bald eagle. Who knows, maybe using this webcam we will discover something new about the bald eagle when she is on her nest. Wouldn't it be awsome if we had cameras like this watching all the different nests and burrows of all the animals of the world... we would learn so much about all the animals and maybe even see if pollution affects what they bring in to eat or where they live. So even just watching the "Raptor Nest Webcam" helps us see that when we distroy forests for logging, we are killing some of God's beautiful creations, and possibly putting them in danger of extintion.
I love the Earth,
Amy the Eco-Freak =D

superjepic said...

The raptor resorce project is trying to conserve some basic things birds need. For egsample fish or dead anamal meat, aswell as water, nest building things and ofcorse clean air. This needs funding wich they may or may not have. Anyways it is a totally legit cause. Word out.

Shaylen said...

In 1988 the "Raptor Resource Project" was established to try to bring more awarness to the predatorial birds. This establishment strengthens the breeding populations of falcons, eagles, ospreys, hawks, and owls by creating, improving, and maintaining nests and nest sites.

On the "Raptor Resource Project" website they say "Our mission is to preserve and strengthen raptor populations, to expand participation in raptor preservation, and to help foster the next generation of preservationists. Our work deepens the connection between people and the natural world, bringing benefits to both."

So if they are doing all of this work to try to help save these birds, all we have to do is help to save the world so when they are released into the wild, they can have a safe home to live in. This is the meaning of Earth Week, to help make the world a better place to live and to keep it safe.

Together we can make a change, and that is what the "Raptor Resource Project" is doing for the next geberation of raptor birds. So lets start helping!

Kirynn said...

The Raptor resource project (established in 1988) was for the purpose to raise awareness endangered raptors. I know that we have all watched this a lot so I think that we should save these amazing creatures. Who knows? Because of this we might even see more raptors on the planet.

This ties in with Earth Day because this is trying to rebuild what we have torn down. We've torn down the raptors homes, their nature habitats. And it is going to be up to us to save them. That's were the Raptor Resource Project comes in. They are rebuilding the population of the raptors.And best of all, they are not out to make a profit from this. What's really cool about the raptor resource project is that they set up nest cams so that we can wacth them in there natural habitat.

These baby raptors are really cute ( at least that's what I think) and Ithink that the Raptor Reasource Project is doing a great job. People, we are going to have to start rebuilding this world so that all animals,not just raptors can have a place in the world.this is not just our world,it is the plantsand anmals too. The aboriginals knew thisand theytried to stop us from destorying the lovel planet God gave us. Let's sve this world.


Alex said...

The Raptor Resource Project is an organization that helps presereve raptor birds that include owls, falcons, eagles, ospreys and hawks.
This ties into earth week because earth week is all about preserving nature so that people can enjoy it long after we are gone and this non-profit organization is all about preserving these magnificent birds. I think it really is sad that one species is taking over the Earth and ruining it for all the other animals that call this planet their home.

Hannah said...

The Raptor Resource Project is a non-profit organization that specializes in the preservation of falcons, eagles, ospreys, hawks, and owls. They strengthen breeding populations of these raptors by creating, improving, and maintaining nests. They manage over 23 nest sites. They talk to more than 85,000 people each year. They give lectures and education programs. They have a website with a live web cam showing a raptor and her babies. Their main goal is to preserve and strengthen raptor populations. They say their work deepens the connection between people and the natural world, bringing benefits to both. I think this ties into Earth Week because the purpose of Earth Week is to try and preserve nature and pay more attention to it, and the Raptor Resource Project helps people really think about animals, nature, and the world.

Mary said...

This video is a great way to raise awareness for its cause as at any given moment over 72,000 people are watching this video at any given moment give or take. One reason this video attracts people is the fact that the bald eagles shown in the on– going video are very cute and show a simplicity in life that most of us yearn for in some secret way. This ongoing video also appeals to your fascination watching an endangered species do the best it can to survive in a human dominated world. This appeals to your pity as the cuteness of the animals remind you not so pleasantly of all the construction done in the habitats of many such endangered species. With all the emotion you feel watching this video it is not surprising over 72,000 people watch it at any given moment.

Eagles themselves are a magnificent animal. They are large birds but not the largest. The bald eagle is a symbol of the US so this bird must have some good qualities so the US isn’t the laughing stock of every single no-American and the shame of all Americans. This bird when born is more of a gray looking bird but that changes by the time they become an adult. When they are an adult they have bald heads (white head feathers) and brown feathers giving to the name “Bald” Eagle.

Whenever a species goes extinct there is an impact on the surrounding environment, sometimes big sometimes small. If the bald eagles went extinct there would be a tremendous impact as the US would have to change or at least should change their national bird as one that is extinct isn’t really a great way to celebrate your country’s greatness. Also all birds play a part in our environment based on their diet. For sometimes when a predator goes extinct a little while latter because of over population and lack of food the entire food supply is eaten up and the animals that were once prey starve to death. Since we have a chance of saving this animal we should not just because it is the right thing to do but for the fact that bald eagles are a majestic creature to look up to and we need to show compassion if we want this planet to be livable.

mb said...

Earth day is a day for remembering all animals and plants.
Including raptors the birds in the video. These animals are recorded to raise awareness of the bald eagles and according to there viewers, they have been sucessful.
These eagles are part of the food chain that keeps us humans alive. Bald eagles are part of the Earth like we are, so we must celebrate and help these wonderfull creatures.

Anonymous said...

The Raptor Resource Program is an amazing that helps endangered raptor birds. We need to remember that we share this planet with a ton of other living creatures and they are trying to survive. We don't need to make them endangered just so we can have something for our leisure. The Raptor Resource Program as well as many other wonderful programs helps us to realise this if only we didn't ignore this.

Anonymous said...

The raptor resource project relates to earth day because earth dayis all about preserving the earth and animals are part of the earth. the raptor resource project also relates to earth daybecause the raptors are an endangered species and they are keeping the balance in the circle of life by monitoring the eagles.


A Daniel!!!??? said...

The Raptor Resource Project connects to Earth Day in many ways. One way is that they are studying the way they live and their way of nature on EARTH. They are a part of the Earth and it's nature. They are also taking care of themselves and their babies because that is the way they live and function on Earth. We also take care of them the way we take care of our Earth the same way.