Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Letter to Parents and Students

Dear Parents and Students,

In light of our circumstances, I hope all of you are well.  I wanted to reach out to all of you and let you know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers especially during these challenging times.

Along with my colleagues, we are waiting to receive more information from the Ministry of Education as to how they want us to proceed with classroom instruction.  As a reminder, on Tuesday before March break, I did assign the following: Out of Eden Learning (up to now Footsteps 1-4 were assigned); Mangahigh; Caribou Math; review Fractions (Unit #8); Reading; and Passion Project.  Once we receive more information from the Ministry, the Board will communicate this to all staff and parents.

Please take this time to enjoy being together and perhaps do the following as a family: praying, playing board games, making cards for a loved one, listening to music, making crafts, cooking, exercising, reading, and drawing. If you would like to contact me, please email me at: mpgifted56@gmail.com.

Please take good care of yourselves and continue to be kind and compassionate with each other. Together we will get through this.  I would like to leave you with this quote by Sister Teresa of Calcutta:

“We are made by love,
we are made of love,
and we are made
for love.”

Stay safe and keep healthy! 

God bless,

Marisa Pellegrini


Mangahigh - March 4
OOEL- Footstep #2- March 4