Friday, November 29, 2013

Monsters in A Jar

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocenti - A Different Perspective

We are reading Rose Blanche in class.  Open the above link and watch the video retelling.

Book Review Excerpts:
"An excellent book to use not only to teach about the Holocaust, but also about living a life of ethics, compassion, and honesty." - School Library Journal
"This is a stunning book and a forceful argument for peace. All ages." - Publishers Weekly
Do you agree with the reviews? Explain your answer.
When I say that this book shows a "different perspective" what do you think I mean?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"As writers, we learn most of what we know just by watching the pros, don't we?" ~John R. Trimble

Mentor Sentence of The Week:

The car passes and you can't see through the dark windows and you can hear the snow crunching under the tires, squeaky and frozen.

Freak the Mighty
Rodman Philbrick

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Where in the world.....due Thurs., Nov. 21st.

Watch the above video clip.  What images and words remind you of the book - Hana's Suitcase?  Your WITW this week is based on the picture below the video clip.

National Bullying Awareness Week

Listen to the above song from The Voice competition. The song is We're Going to Be Friends, by The Whitestripes. This song reminds me of my best friends when I was in elementary school, some of whom I am still friends with today.  How do you know when someone is your friend?

"Bullies tear down. Friends build up. So what do you want to be?" Respond to this quote. 
Post all your responses.

Wonder Quote

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.” 
― R.J. PalacioWonder

Explain what this quote means in your own words. Why do you think this quote is important? How does it apply to anti-bullying messages?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Analyzing Text for the Big Idea.

Watch the following video about Tarra and Bella.  When you are finished, I would like you to tell me the “Big Idea“.
I am expecting you to write a paragraph to justify (prove) your thinking.  Remember to use specific images or comments from the video and connect them to the Big Idea.

Don’t forget to use the criteria:
- begin by using part of the question in your answer
- answer what is being asked
- provide 2 pieces of relevant evidence (this means it supports the answer you’ve written)
- for EACH piece of evidence, provide your own thinking by analyzing the evidence you chose
- edit your response

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hana's Suitcase

We recently read a newspaper article about an older man named Nate, who was reminiscing about the events of Kristallnacht, when he was a young boy of 10, living in Germany. 
Pope Francis recently marked the 75th anniversary of the Kristallnacht attacks in Nazi Germany, saying the state-sponsored ransacking of Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues on the night of Nov. 9, 1938, in which scores of Jewish people were killed, marked a step toward the Holocaust and should not be forgotten. Pope Francis said the following in his Nov. 10th mass, this past Sunday, at St. Peter's Square:
"We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers
and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance."

We are reading Hana's Suitcase in class. How do you think George and Hana are similar and different in terms of the effect WWll had on them? Next week is anti-bullying week. How does Pope Francis' message relate to anti-bullying? (Post your responses.)

A Bruenn JR shop, a Jewish-run store after it has been vandalized by Nazis and its frontwall inscripted with anti-Semitic graffiti after Kristallnacht. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gr. 5 Science - Structures & Mechanisms

Open and explore the above links.  Post three things you learned in each video. You may use point form.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"He's perfect the way God made him."
Watch the above video.  How does Archie's sister reflect Jesus' teachings? Can you make a connection to something in your own life?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where in the world....due Fri., Nov. 8th

Have any of you been to this museum or do you know someone who has been?
I have been and it is really interesting and inspiring.  My grandfather fought
in WW11.  He was in the Navy.  He didn't make it to Juno Beach, but he
often talked about his experience in the war.