Great job today with Mystery Skype. I hope you had fun and learned along the way! Open up the above link to their school website and continue to explore Burncourt NS in Ireland. It is interesting to see that they have some of the same links as we do:
Mangahigh, nrich, Go Noodle etc..
What did you enjoy the most about participating in Mystery Skype? Post your response.
Lucas's Response:
(To the right: a map of where - Cahir (town), Tipperary (county), Ireland is located)
The thing I enjoyed most about Mystery Skype was learning things about Ireland I never knew about. A few of their answers were interesting, such as when we asked them What language(s) do you speak, they answered Quegla but I’m pretty sure they said Gaelic, but in an accent. Also I was looking for a picture of where Cahir is, and found out that Gaa isn’t a sport. It actually stands for Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA). Another thing I liked about Skyping Ireland, is that they are mostly Catholic. I never actually knew about which religion Ireland was mostly until now. I also enjoyed being a mapper. -Lucas
What I enjoyed most in Mystery Skype was questioning them and learning about their culture, it was quite interesting, as I didn't know much about Ireland. I also enjoyed answering some of their questions, as well as hearing their national anthem.
I really liked learning more about Ireland because there were some things that they said that I wasn't aware of, like how Gaa is a sport, and how some people in Ireland speak a language called Quelga. I also liked listening to their accents because they're super cool! I loved being a tracker, because I got to keep track of all of their interesting answers. I think that for our next mystery skype I'll be a tracker again.
That is all.
Thank you, thank you very much.
What I enjoyed most about participating in Mystery Skype was interacting with a country that is located on the other side of the Atlantic. Aside from being a quesioner and answerer, I enjoyed being a Googler, too! It was fun to learn all sorts of new things about Ireland.
What I enjoyed most about Mystery Skype is that how we all worked together to find out the country. It was also very interesting to find out more about Ireland and their culture. I never knew that Ireland’s national sport was Gaa or that their was even a sport called that. It was also fun questioning them.
What I enjoyed the most as the photographer is watching everyone work together to come up with the answer. Everyone was enjoying it, doing their part to help come up with the answer. Even though I wasn't exactly helping, I was taking pictures of moments where we were enjoying ourselves and coming up with our answer!
I also enjoyed the singing of our national anthems. It was interesting to hear Ireland's national anthem.
The questioners questioning, the answerers answering, the mappers mapping, the googlers googling, the trackers tracking, and the photographer (me) photographing and everyone seemed to be doing their part.
I think that the thing that I most enjoyed about participating in the Mystery Skype is that I got to learn a lot about one of my favourite countries and how it is similar and different to our country and other countries. It was also fun to talk to people that are in a completely different place than us and see how their classroom and school looked in comparison to ours.
Their accents were also cool.
So was their national anthem.
And everything else, basically.
I really liked being the runner in the Mystery Skype call. Though there wasn’t very much in formation needed to carry on. It was really funny when we said something obvious about our country and they started gasping as if they knew something. Of which they probably did. What really gave away the country was when they said their capital city was Dublin. Over all the Mystery Skype was really fun.
Their accents were really cool.
Also, I think Gaa is actually GAA, the Gaelic Athletic Association.
The thing I enjoyed about Mystery Skype the most was the fact that we got to learn about them and their culture. Since I know some stuff about Ireland hearing them talk about it was cool. I also enjoy hearing those Irish accents on any other people then my grandfather. I didn't know about somethings in their culture like the sport GAA, or the national anthem in Gaelic . I hope we can Mystery Skype again and get a different area to guess.
The thing I enjoyed most about Mystery Skype was the fact that we Skyped a classroom on the other side of the Atlantic! They were friendly and it was really fun to learn about their culture and their accents were awesome! It was a great experience and I would 100% do it again. I learnt some stuff about Ireland that I never knew, and it was really cool that we had to guess where they were and it was a lot of fun! They call soccer Gaa and football and their anthem was really interesting, and I think they learnt some stuff about Canada they never knew!
My favourite part of Mystery Skype was using the computer as a Googler/Google mapper to try to find out where they were. I used the World Clock website ( to figure out where they were using the time they gave us. The green, white and gold on their flag & the Giant's Causeway also helped me figure it out.
Also, is there a Gaelic version of Go Noodle, or do they play it in English? (According to the World Clock website, they speak English too)
- Jacob
What I enjoyed the most about participating in Mystery Skype was that we got to see how things are different and similar in other countries, like accents, schools, languages, clothing, technology, knowledge, and more! It was also cool to hear them sing their national anthem in their language (Gaelic)! It was a good experience.
~ Xavier (AKA Fluffy) (AKA Wheatley)
My Favourite Thing About Mystery Skype
I think the things I liked the best about Mystery Skype is that I got to see and talk with kids my own age on the other side of the world, in Ireland. I thought maybe that they would have very different lifestyles, and a different classroom from us, but really they don’t. They’re all regular, ordinary kids like us. I liked how we got to learn about their culture somewhat. When I told my parents how my class “Mystery Skyped” Ireland, they both thought it was so cool. They said they never would have got to do that when they were my age. I am so happy we have this technology today; I mean we can Skype people in Ireland! I also thought it was nice to hear their National Anthem… in Gaelic! Oh! One last thing… their accents were AWESOME!!! I love hearing people talk in accents! Like when they said their famous food is cabbage and potatoes, it sounded so… Irish! I had a blast doing Mystery Skype, I loved being one of the Questioners and Answerers, (so that it gave me the chance to talk with the kids in Ireland) and I hope we can do it again soon!
My favourite part in participating in mystery Skype was, actually be on the skype call, in other words I liked being the questioner/answerer. As I said before , I like being on the Skype call rather than work behind the scenes. Now that I think about it, it doesn’t really sound like me. That’s because usually I want to be behind the scenes rather than on camera, but I guess this time I was too excited to realize that! Anyway, I was also fun being the googler because I worked with the other teams to find out which country we were Skyping with. Overall, I thought mystery Skye was really fun, and I hope we can do it again next year!
Now I’m Done,
Room 11 - I enjoyed reading all your responses. I also had a lot of fun participating in Mystery Skype. One of my favourite parts was when we shared our national anthems. Great teamwork! We will try it again it a couple of weeks. Who knows where we will end up next time...
Mrs. O'Hara
"I thought mystery Skye was really fun"
~Ronan (sorry I had to correct <3)
That sounded like a lot of fun :)
Hope you guys had a fun time!
Thanks Cat - We had lots of fun and it was very interesting!
Loved learning about ireland!
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