Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Congratulations to the Senior Battle Of The Books Team

Congratulations to our fantastic Senior Battle Of The Books Team who came in second in the Burlington competition today. That is quite an achievement!  You demonstrated great teamwork.  I am proud of all your efforts.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Congratulations to The Amazing Junior Battle of the Books Team

Congratulations to our Junior Battle Of The Books Team who won the Burlington Championship.  The team won the Burlington Battle of the Books plaque which will be engraved with our school name for the 2014 school year.  Thank-you to the Burlington Central Library staff who provided each team member with a generous Indigo gift certificate. Keep up the great teamwork and enthusiasm.  Good luck at the Grand Battle in May.

Monday, April 21, 2014


 1. How far is Kepler-186f from earth?
 2. What is a light year?
 3. The Kepler spacecraft which discovered the planet, is unable to observe planets directly. How does Kepler identify details about a planet's existence? (Make sure you include specific, researched details.)
 4. How big is Kepler-186f compared to Earth? Compare the diameter of Earth to Kepler-186f.  5. Scientists "speculate that such planets could be just as habitable as our own, but there would be differences." What do scientists suggest these differences might be? Make sure you include plant life in your answer. 
6. What does astrophysicist, Sara Seager, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say about finding a close match to Earth? What does the James Webb Space Telescope have to do with the search for habitable worlds and how is Canada involved with the telescope?
 7. What is your opinion about the discovery of Kepler-186f?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Senior Battle of The Books

Congratulations to our Senior Battle of The Books Team who represented Canadian Martyrs so well and continue to move on in the competition.  Great teamwork and enthusiasm!  So many books, so little time.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Good luck to our Senior Battle of The Books team who compete tomorrow at The Burlington Central Library.  Check out your Battle of The Books blog for some new posts that may be helpful.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

First Nations Research - gr. 6

What is the important information about First Nations included in this video?  Record the key information in order. What was the most meaningful piece of information to you?  Post.
Open the above site and explore.  It is very interesting.

Ancient Civilizations Research - gr. 5

Open the following link and explore in order:
1. History Timeline
2. Ancient Greeks

Fill in the blanks from the information provided -

Where Western civilization began

Ancient Greece is called 'the birthplace of ___________ civilization'. About 2500 years ago, the Greeks created a way of life that other people ___________and copied. The __________copied Greek art and Greek _____.  For example, The Ancient Greeks tried out democracy, started the Olympic Games and left new ideas in __________, art and philosophy (thinking about life).

There's a Blood Moon Rising

Why do you suppose there are so many superstitions surrounding the moon? Watch the above video clip about the Blood Moons and listen to the song Bad Moon Rising. How do science and superstition differ in respect to the moon?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

In-Class - Where in The World...

Due:  Thursday, April 17th.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

2013 Mock Trial

April is going to be a very busy month. We are beginning our new mock trial of Hansel and Gretel. You may think you know the whole story but do you really?

7th Annual Eggstravaganza

Get your eggs ready for the 7th annual Eggstravaganza Event on Tuesday, April 15th. Bring in a hardboiled egg and your materials for Tuesday morning. You will have one hour to create the most interesting and imaginative egg possible. There are various prize categories: funniest, most creative, most lifelike etc. You may come up with your own category...I will supply the dye and I always have a couple of extra eggs on hand,  just in case!

Health - Food Factory

Open the above link and watch the video segment on Moo Moo Bars.  The way they are made is quite interesting.  Do you think Moo Moo Bars are a healthy snack?  They are sold at Goodness Me, a health food store in Burlington.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Junior Battle of The Books Team

2014 Battle of the Books Titles
Congratulation to our Junior Battle of The Books Team who came in first, in round one at the Burlington Central Library.  You demonstrated great teamwork and enthusiasm.  Go Team Go! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Beads' Fountain Effect

Watch the above video clip.  Why do you think the beads "rise up in a curve, like a water fountain, as it falls?"

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bald Eagle Live Webcam

Decorah Bald Eagle Nestcam

Additional Animal Webcams:


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Adobe After Effects

Friday, April 4, 2014

Get Well Soon!

Hi Aidan,
We are all thinking about you! Hope you feel better soon! 
From Luke and The Class
I hope you can heal super fast. No one deserves to get hurt! -Cat!
I hope that you feel better than me with a piece of bacon. -Bacon (Arabella)
Get better NOW!!!!!!!!!  (Plz?)  We all miss you!  ~Mackenzie
Hope it's easy to work the crutches! -Eileen
Have a happy weekend! -Beth
I hope that you feel better soon :{ ) ~ Amanda (By the way the smiley face is supposed to have a mustache on it)
Hope your foot isn't broken for all eternity! ~Katherine
We hope you get better soon!!!!!!!!!!! ~S.A.
Keep calm  play Minecraft and read!~ Daniel and Ronan :)
Hi Aidan - I hope you're feeling better soon. We miss you. - Mrs. O'Hara
To be continued on Monday....other students wanted to post you a message, but we ran out of time.

Hi Aidan - Eileen sent me this picture to add to our blog.  Everybody is thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.