Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Happy Feet" The Stranded Penguin Headed Home

Happy Feet has been outfitted with a GPS tracker so people can follow his progress online after his release. Locate Happy Feet's location and progress. What is your opinion about this use of GPS technology?

Back to School Poem

Getting Dressed for School
by Kenn Nesbitt

I must have been too sleepy
getting dressed for school today.
I tried to tuck my shirt in,
but I couldn’t make it stay.

I also couldn’t tie my shoes.
I fumbled with the laces.
I snagged my scarf, and now some yarn
is dangling from my braces.

My socks are different colors,
and my pants are inside out.
My sweater from the hamper left me
smelling like a trout.

I thought I put a hat on
to control my crazy hair.
The hat turned out to be a pair
of purple underwear.

I spilled my breakfast on my clothes
and headed into school.
My friends, of course, were all impressed.
I’d never looked so cool.

Add another stanza to this poem.